Heavy industry and you "Hunan" gathered in Changsha International Machinery Exhibition

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Update time : 2023-11-08

The 3rd Changsha International Construction Machinery Exhibition will be held in Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center and Changsha International Convention Center from May 12 to 15, 2023. With the theme of "High-end, intelligent, Green - a new generation of construction machinery", this exhibition is the largest exhibition in China's construction machinery industry after the optimization and adjustment of the epidemic prevention and control policy. It is a "feast" of the global construction machinery industry held under the background of fully implementing the spirit of the Party's "Twenty Congresses", "accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power", and "promoting the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry". The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and the China Association for Science and Technology attach great importance to and provide careful guidance; the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Changsha Municipal Government provide strong leadership and careful organization; and all provincial departments and bureaus actively participate and fully support. The exhibition showed eight highlights of higher scale specifications, wider international participation, deeper openness, more new products released, more complete machine and parts spectrum, higher national participation, better platform functions, and better trading results.

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